星期日, 3月 09, 2014

台中 吳宅 - 自然塗料 灰泥施工篇 (day-1)

由於業主對於先前的過度裝修不甚滿意, 因此委由擅長鄉村風格的設計師作局部更改, 對於室內塗料更是堅持採用天然無毒的灰泥塗料, 也委由我們師傅代為刷塗.
當天一早到現場後, 隨即進行保護工程及灰泥調色, 待屋主及設計師確認色調後, 即開始塗刷的工程.
natural paint - lime painting process record ( day-1 ) :
1>. protect certain area which didn't apply lime paint by plastic sheet  or other stuff.
2>. first, according required ratio, mixed pigment ( No.855 ultramarine blue ) with water thoroughly. then pour it into lime painting and blend it with machine. showed as below picture.

群藍色母調和的粗顆粒灰泥刷塗嬰兒房 .

師傅以交叉方式塗刷. (角落的矽酸鈣板是用來確認顏色的樣板)
3>. applied lime-painting with brush . since natural paint will remain brush track during applying, we recommend brush lime paint under " cross direction " , in order to reduce this phenomenon.

乾燥中的牆面, 色母顏色漸淡, 最終會形成較均勻的色調.
4>. for coverage concern, 2 lime coating is necessary. while drying, the color will become lighter. at this moment, don't panic, since it's one of process steps.


另一房間, 則是以細緻灰泥刷塗天花板, 壁面則調和經金赭色母.
5>. applied original lime-paint on ceiling. the color will transfer from transparent to opacity while drying.

6>. brush mixed lime paint ( with No. 821 ochre gold ) on other room.

剛刷塗完畢的牆面, 呈現較深的色系.

牆面待乾中. 隔日繼續第二道塗刷....
7>. refer to Kreidezeit manual - "Allow at least 8 hrs. drying time between the coats at 20°C and a relative humidity of 65%. Protect the painted surface against sun radiation and rain during the first days." , so, just be patient and wait ...     (  be continued ... )

待續 ....